Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
1871-72....... 132 183
1873-74.................... 184
1874–75........... 135
1879-80....... 136
Report on sk. mss. in Kasmir, Rajputana
and Central India............. 137
Sammlung con sk. und pk. Handschriften
fur die Wiener Universitat.................. 138
Specimens of Jaina Sculptures from Mathura 139
Das Sukritasamkirtana des Arisimha...... 140 - The Sukritusa'mkärtana of Arisimha, trad.
J. BURGESS.......... 141
Three new Edicts of Asoka............... 142
Two Lists of sk. mss........................ 143
Voir PISCHEL, R. 144 BURGESS, J. The ancient Monuments, Temples and
Sculptures of India........ 145
The Dharasinva Roclc Temples ............... 146
Digambaru Jaina Iconography............... 147
Extracts from the Journal of C. Mackenzie's
Pandit .............................. 148
Gujarat and Rajputana................. 149
The Iconography of the Digambara Jains. 160
Lists of the antiquarian remains in the
Bombay Presidency.............. 151
On the Muhammadan Architecture in
Gujarat............................................ 152
The Muhammudun Architecture of Ahmeda
bad.............................. 153
Note on Jain Mythology........................ 154
Notes of' a visit to Satrunjaya hill......... 155
Notes of a visit to Somnath Girnar......... 156
Notes on hindu Astronomy............
For Private And Personal Use Only