A friend whom I admire suggested that I write a foreword for this book of poetry; sharing with readers how I came to write it, and what inspired me to write it.
I didn't start out planning to write a book. It started with one poem after I returned from my first trip to India in 2005. 1 wanted to convey to our gracious and loving hosts Gurudevji and Promodaji Chitrabhanují my appreciation to them for their remarkable invitation to their country. In doing so, I started to put into words the beautiful experiences and life changing moments I had while I was there. India and its people touched my every sense and whole being.
I had lost my daughter Brie suddenly in 2003, and was just starting to come awake again. I understood people's pain. I wanted to help myself, and in that process, help other people as well. Words are what came to me. Amidst all of the pain and sorrow in life, there is beauty, love, tenderness and hope. It is at our very core.
For here, I wrote more and more, and continued to share them with friends, until I had 52 poems. One for every week of the year.
I share them with you gladly, and wish you every happiness in life.
With love,
Becky Nirali Kleinschmidt