naturally had imbibed skill in craftsmanship froin his father's side. It may be mentioned that he was connected with the g family by his mother's side, as $41979 had married the sister of Bhrgu.
“ E. Sieg in the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics explains the word Bhrgu as a term for craftsman. According to Dr. Hermann Weller Bhrgus represented originally the craftsmen working with fire, among whom were included primarily the blacksmiths and chariot builders. The silver war.chariot of the heroic Bhişına is ascribed to them.
Višvakarma's connection with Bhrou was thus no less responsible for the high state of excellence in craftsmanship peculiar to the family of Bhrgus. Both his parental and inaternal relationship cont. ributed in equipping him with a rich heritage. His skill as an artificer it was that made him an outstanding personality among the Vasus. We know that he has designed five kinds of Torah as 1, मालाधर, विचित्र, चित्ररूपक, and मकरध्वज), the same number of Hindolakas ( महोत्सव, वसन्त, कीडामणि, श्रायोद्भः and मकरपताकोद्भव ), and nine Rathas ( नन्द, नंद्यावर्त, नदिघोष, पराजय, पताका, पद्मक, पृथ्वी जय, महोद्भव, श्रीमेरु), Chhatras, sandals etc. Moreover, the construction of inany townships, palaces, temples, reservoirs etc. is attributed to him. He was pre-eminently an exponent of the नागर school of वास्तु just as मयमुनि represented the द्राविड school of Architecture. Though both these schools have many underlying points of affinity, they differ from each other in several essential features which are detailed later on.
Visvakarman has adopted a novel method ( so far as exposition of afegis concerned ) of enunciating the principles of design of structures. It is the method of negation नेति नेति. It has reference not only to the arrangement of inner apartments among themselves in a structure but also to its external surroundings. It also unfolds a variety of aspects in the design of a grey, ilamely, light, ventilation etc., if carefully studied, I quote the verses from विश्वकर्मप्रकाश as under, Probably, if not certainly, they will refer to the structures of the Dravidian and other styles, too.
अन्धक रुधिर चैव कुम्जे काणं बधीरकम् ॥ १२९२ ॥ दिग्वक्त चिपिटं चैव व्यंगज मुरजन्तथा । कुटिलं कुट्टक चैव सुप्तं च शंखपालकम् ॥ १२९३॥ विक्टं च तथा कंक कैंकरं षोडशं स्मृतम् । अन्धक छिद्रहीनं च विच्छिद्रं दिशि कानकम् ।। १२९४ ॥ हीनाझं कुब्जकं चैव 'पृथ्वीद्वारं बधीरकम् । रन्ध्र बिकीर्णन्दिग्वत्रं रुधिरं च विपतम् ॥ १२९५ ॥ तुझं हीनं च चिपिटं व्यङ्गं चानर्थदशनम् । पावोन्नतं च मुरज कुटिलन्तालहीनकम् ॥ १२९६ ॥ शंखालं जंघहीनन्दियक्तं विकटं स्मृतम् । पविहीनन्त था के कैंकर च हलोन्नतम् ॥ १२९७ ॥ कोणक्छिद्र दृक्छाया ऋजुवंशाग्रभूमिकाः । संघातदंतयो शव भेदाश्च दशधा स्मृताः १३.९॥