ग्रहs are of 10 kinds according to the number of शालाs; they are एकशाल, द्विशाल, त्रिशाल, चतु:शाल, पञ्चशाल, षट्शाल, सप्तशाल, अष्टशाल, नवशाल, and दशशाल, The first four kinds of ग्रह viz; एकशाल, द्विशाल, त्रिशाल and चतुःशाल are formed so far as their रूप (form) is concerned, by means of प्रस्तार ( a process of combination of yg and ag in accordance with certain rules) while those from पञ्चशाल to दशशाल arc arrived at, by a combination ( सयोजन ) of the first four types. In वास्तु, गुरु means a wall and लघु means an अरिन्न. As अपराजितपृच्छा has left out ceriain combinations of houses from पञ्चशाल to दशशाल, I Quote वास्तुमण्डन v. 28 to 32 of the 6th अध्याय which describe systematically this योजना,
एकद्वित्रिचतुःशाल गृहं प्रस्तारतो भवेत् । पञ्चादि दशशालान्तं तेषां संयोगतो मिथः ॥ २८ ॥ गहार्णा पञ्चशालाना षड्विधा योज। मता ॥ २९॥ नवधा रसशाला सप्तशाले शिवोमिता ॥३१॥ अष्टशाले तिथिमिता नवशाळेऽष्टभूमिता ।
योजना दशशालायां त्रयोविंशतिधा मता ॥ ३२ ॥ Let represent एकशाल, द्विशाल, त्रिशाल etc....... दशशालगृई.
Then 5 qania is arrived at in 6 ways of combination of 1.2.3 and 4 as under.
5 पञ्चशाल = 1) 4+1 i.e. चतुःशाल and एकशाल when combined form a
=(2) 3+2 पचवालगृह and so on... =(3) 3+1+1 (4) 2+2+1 (5) 1+1+1+2 46) 1+1+1+1+1
6 षदशाल is formed in 9 ways of combination of I. 2. 3 and 4 शालगृह, 6 षट्शाल = (1) 1+1+1+1+1+1 () 3+3
(2) l+l+1+1+2 (7) ++1+1
1+1+2+2 (8) 4+2 and (4) 2+2+2 __(9) 3+1+1+1.
(5) 3+2+1 7 सप्तशाल-वास्तुमण्डन prescribes ॥ योजनाs for this-They are;
=(1) 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 (7) 3+2+2 (2) 2+1+1+1+1+1 (8) 3+3+1 2+2+1+1+1
4+1+1+1 2+2+2+1
4+2+1 and (5) 3+1+1+1+1 (11) 4+3 (6) 3+2+1+1