Sol. 11, 10on in
Rs, A. 53. Tathagataguhyaka or Gubyasamaja ( 15 ) :
the earliest and the most authoritative work of the Tantra School of the Buddhists (3rd century A. D.):
edited by Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, 1931, pp. 39+ 210 ... 4-4 54. Jayakhyasamhita ( astfear); an authoritative
Pancarátra work of the 5th century AD.: edited by Pandit E. Krishnamacharya of Vadtal with a Foreword
by Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, 1931, pp. 78 + 47 + 454 ... 12-0 55. Kavyalankarasarasamgraha (192K ): of
Udbhata with the commentary, probably the same as Udbhataviveka, of Rajanaka Tilaka (11th century A, D.): edited by K. S. Ramaswami Shastri, 1931, pp. 48 + 62
... 2-0 6. Parananda Sutra (graf ): an ancient Tantric
work of the Hindus in Sutra form : edited by Swami Trivikrama Tirtha, with a Foreword by Dr. Bhattacharyya, 1931, pp. 30 + 106 ...
... 3-8 57, 69. Ahsan-ut Tawarikh ( 371691-30-9a) : history
of the Safawi Period of Persian History, 15th and 16th centuries, by Hasani-Rumlu: edited by C. N. Seddon, 2 vols. (Persian text and translation in English )
vol. 1, 1932, pp. 36 + 510; vol. II, 1934, pp. 15 + 301 19-8 58. Padmananda Mahakavya ( 997 $53): giving the
life history of Rsabhadeva, the first Tirtharikara of the Jainas, by Amarachandra Kavi of the 13th
century : edited by H.R. Kapadia, 1932, pp.99 + 667 14-0 59. S'abdaratnasamanvaya ( Torcaffra) : an interesting
lexicon of the Nanartha class in Sanskrit, compiled by the Maratha King Sahaji of Tanjore : edited by Vitthala S'āstri, with a Foreword by Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, 1932, pp. 31 + 605 .
11-0 61, 91, 104. Saktisargama Tantra (Efka 4-1): comprising
four books on Kali, Tara, Sundari, and Chhinnamastā : edited by Dr. B Bhattacharyya, 4 vols., vol. I, Kalikhanda (saus) 1932, pp. 13 + 179 (Out of print;) vol. II, Tarakhanda (artigos), 1941, pp. 12+271; vol. III, Sundarikhanda (r aus), 1947, pp. 15 + 146.
... 6-0 62. Prajñāparamitas (1319tfan) : commentaries on the
Prajñaparamita, a Buddhist philosophical work : edited by Giuseppe Tucci, 2 vols., vol. 1, Abhi
samayalankāraloka of Haribhadra, 1932, pp. 55 + 589 12-0 63. Tarikh-i-Mubarakhshahi (atta-aluet): con
temporary account of the kings of the Saiyyid Dynasty of Delhi : translated into English from original Persian by Kamal Kushna Basu, with a Foreword by Sir
Jadunath Sarkar, 1932, pp. 13 + 299 ... ... 7-8 64. Siddhantabindu (fua afga) : on Vedanta philosophy,
by Madhusudana Sarasvati, with the commentary of Purusottama : edited by P. C. Divanji, 1933, pp. 142 +93 + 306
... 11-0
Choo Jainas of Rsabavya