Rs. A. 29. Nalavilasa (nera ): a drama, by Ramachandragūri,
pupil of Heinachandrasuri, describing the Pauranika story of Nala and Damayanti : edited by G. K. Shrigondekar and L. B. Gandhi, 1926, PP. 40 + 91 .
Out of print, 30, 31. Tattvasangraha (drauga): a Buddhist philo
sophical work of the 8th century, hy s'antaraksita, with Pañjika by his disciple Kamalas'ila : edited by Pandit Embar Krishnamacharya, with a Foreword by Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, 2 vols., 1926, vol. I,
Pp. 157 + 80 + 582; vol. II, pp. 4 +353 + 102 Out of print. 33, 34. Mirat-i-Abmadi (fATIA-R-32FA): by Ali Muham.
mad Khan, the last Moghul Dewan of Gujarat : edited in the original Persian by Syed Nawab Ali, 2 vols., illustrated, vol. I, 1926, pp. 416; vol. Ii, 1928, pp. 632 .
19-3 35. Majavagrh yasutra ( Haug ): a work on Vedic
ritual of the Yajurveda with the Bhasya of Astavakra : edited by Ramakrishna Harshaji s'astri, with a Preface by B. C. Lele, 1926, pp. 40 + 26+ ...
Out of print. 36, 68. Natyas'astra (2 ): of Bharata with the com
mentary of Abhinavagupta of Kashmir : edited by M. Ramakrishna Kavi, 4 vols., vol. I, illustrated, 1926, pp. 27 + 397 (Out of print); vol. II, 1994, PP. 23 + 25 + 464 ..
5-0 37. Apabhrams'akavyatrayi (377*13Thaft): consisting of
three works, the Carcari, Upades/arasayana, and Kalasvarūpak ulaka, by Jinadatta Sūri (12tharentury), with commentaries : edited by L. B. Gandhi, 1927, PP. 12+ + 115 ..
Out of print. 38. Nyayapraves'a (Tu ). Part I (Sanskrit Text): on
Buddhist Logic of Dinnäga, with commentaries of Haribhadra Suri and Pars' vadeva: edited by A, B. Dhruva, 1930, 39 + 104 ...
. Out of print. 39. Nyāyapraves'a (1927), Part II (Tibetan Text):
edited with introduction, notes, appendices, etc. by
Vidhusekhara Bhattacharyya, 1927, pp. 27 + 67 ... 1-8 40. Advayavajrasangraha ( T E ): consisting of
twenty short works on Buddhism, by Advayavajra ;
edited by Haraprasad Sastri, 1927, pp. 39 + 68 . 2-0 42, 60. Kalpadrukos'a (+213#17 ) : Standard work on
Sanskrit Lexicography, by Kes'ava : edited by Rama. vatara Sharma, with an index by Srikant Sharma, 2 vols., vol. 1 (text), 1928, pp. 64 + 485; vol. II (index), 1932, pp. 283