GAEKWAD'S ORIENTAL SERIES Critical editions of unprinted and original works of Oriental Literature, edited by competent scholars, and published
at the Oriental Institute, Baroda 1. BOOKS PUBLISHED.
Rs. A. 1. Kavyamimamsa (#1694 Fial): a work on poetics, by
Rājas'ekhara (880-920 A.D.): edited by C. D. Dalal and R. Anantakrishna Sastry, 1916. Reissued, 1924, Third edition, revised and enlarged, by K. S. Ramaswami Shastri, 1934, pp. 52 + 314 .
... 2-0 Naranarayanananda ( 91901977): a poem on the
Pauranic story of Arjuna and Krsna's rambles on Mount Girnar, by Minister Vastupāla : edited by C. D. Dalal and R, Anantakrishna Sastry, 1916, pp. 11 +92 + 12.
Out of print. 3. Tarkasangraha ( ): a work on Philosophy
(refutation of Vais'esika theory of atomic creation), by Anandajñana or Anandagiri (13th century): editd by
T. M. Tripathi, 1917, pp. 36 + 142 + 13 ... Out of print. +. Parthaparākrama ( 91931 ): a drama describing
Arjuna's recovery of the cows of King Virata, by Prabladanadeva, the founder of Palanpur : edited by
C. D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 8 + 29 ... Out of print. 5. Rastraudhavams'a (Bataas): an historical poem
(Mahakavya) describing the history of the Bagulas of Mayuragiri, from Rästraudha, the originator to Nārāyana Sbah, by Rudra Kavi (A.D. 1596): edited by Embar Krishnamacharya, with Introduction by
C. D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 24 + 128 + 4 ... Out of print. 6. Linganus'asana (faqatga): on Grammar, by Vamana
(8th-9th century): edited by C. D. Dalal, 1918, pp. 9 + 24 ...
.. ..
Out of print. Vasantavilasa (qarafaza): a contemporary historical poem (Mahakavya) describing the life of Vastupala and the history of Gujarat, by Balachandrasuri (A.D. 1240): edited by C. D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 16+ 114 +6
Out of print.