The manuscripts themselves, were full of inutilations, interpolations and glaringly faulty phraseology scattered throughout the text; the continuity of the subject was broken at several places, due to the fact that several stanzas cither wholly or partially were missing in many is especially where the subject-matter became highly technical. Even portions of us themselves inad bodily got intermingled with other us without any bearing on them.
Discrepancies, both of grammar as well as of matter, were too copious to be enumerated in detail. A correct appreciation, under the circumstances, could hardly be arrived at, as regards the intensity of scrutinous labour that had to b: bestowed on them, in bringing out a readable text.
I only appen: a few samples in order that the difficulty of the task may be fully brought home to readers. 1. सुत्र 84. 17. सालाताद् ब्रह्मवृक्ष स्याद्या दलादिका शुका । 88.
विवाद भूमलता बाल्या कुर्याद्वौ च सतास्थिता ! 91. 36. पंडिला बजिमा समां
195. 9. चक्राधै भवेत्सेद्धं छट कारं पावतो दिवि । 5. सू. 206. 1. पूर्वारावितदेवेश भक्तस्यात् त्रिदशैरपि ।
एकस्यादिसप्रान्ते आसीलश्चातदश्व लक्षणम् ।। 223.
कात्यायनी नमकोद्भवा 15. रूपमानामाननि देवियुक्त परमाणू परिकलितम् ।
मुळेमानं तथै कथित् तनुनोनुमाखर्निर्नयम् ।। 225. 27. पंचकपुष्पक पायति तस्मै यथा श्रीखण्डदिव्य ।
यथा रत्नचंदनं सौगन्धितं चमदित्यकम् ॥
जय विजयोद्भवाक्षं उद्गत पत्रश्चाक्षत्रम् ।। 26. सारै व कोदभव पत्रं दशविधोक्तिभिः क्रमात् ।।
कारानदेन लक्ष कोट्यादिकोद्भवाम् ।
पुनरभ्यानि वक्ष्ये तु प्रकार: पञ्चकोद्भवा ।। 228. 18. सुललित कोमलं भंगे विषमयं वामगोद्भवम् ।
सुकुमार गर्भोद्भवाग बाह्यवर्तस्याकुलोद्भवम् ।। 236.
पाड नातगा सरोष्ट्र होम सौपर कौशलम् । वेणातटे लिंच वज्रगर समुद्भवम् ।
सूत्र: on Prosody, Astrology, Music, etc., were referred to experts in those branches of learning but very little headway could be made in them owing to inaccurate and deficient materials.
"The chief object of critically editing the ancient manuscripts is, of course, to prepare an intelligent text”. With this and in view a certain amount of emendation is indispensable, due to ungrammatical or " barbarous" styleso often found in manuscripts of Vastu Sastras," as P.K. Acharya, the compiler of “The Dictionary of Hindu Architecture" rightly observes. I cannot but admit that I had to take a little wider