gata-thc fourth gig.
This is a vicw represented by a vertical needle- eau, 1966 , minarets, towers and similar structures come under this category. The mafirare at Delhi, the four minarets of the Taj cic. are examples of thisछन्द.
Though music, rhetoric and architecture are represented as having it common platform in the six primary 8325, viz. #5, E , qarat, , afts and 2, it is apparent that the number of 5*, really speaking, reduces to four only, as arez and as are not independent 3-es at all. In ३ प्रस्तार of 4 गुरु , only 16 पs are formed and similarly in a प्रस्तार of 8 गुरु 256 69 $ are derived. These & may, in either case, assuine a view vhich may be cither a मेरु, खण्डमेरु, पताका or सूची. If मेरु, it is like a mountain ; Che is only a section of #6. If catal, it is like a banner and if t, it has the appearance of a needle. But fęs and 4 have no pers pective view of their own. They are not things like # etc. and hence they cannot be termed as gras. Structures of various kinds which have their contours against the sky in some shape or another determine these 3-7$. ce and al' are the indicators of inethods or contrivances, by means of wirich, the number and details of a 59 in a Seart of various 36s are arrived at. Given a certain feat say 1111, then sige enables one to find out that it is the 16th 7 in a span of 4 ges. If, however, the qucstion is reversed, i. e. "what are the details for the 16th Eq in a start of 4 yes," it is ag that supplies the method and says that the 16th 69 is 1111.
fe- The method of finding the trumber of a 5 in a geant is as follows:- Take any Et, and put over each sign from the left to right 20, 21, 24, 23, 24...... to 20 where n represents the number of 15 minus 1. Then sum up the numerals over (1) az and add 1 to it; this will be the required number.
Illustration - Take one ** SSSS 11 in a heart of 6 Uts, for example. Now SSSS 11 put 20 = 1, 21 = 2, 2= 4, 23 = 8, 24 = 16 and 25 = 32 over these signs . we have Sis? 31 98 116 13: add together the numerals on 3i. c. 16+ 32 = 48 and add 1 and we get 19. . SSSS 11 rcpresents the 49th 89 in a heart of 6 g.
नष्ट-What is the 49tlt रूप in a प्रस्तार of 6 गुरू. A प्रस्तार of 6 गुहा will have cvidently 6 signs (96 and 3). Put as under
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 49 is udd .. for (1) put S.
As 49 cannot be exactly divided by 2, add 1 to it and then divide it by 2.
If the quotient is odd, put S; if even, put 1. Now 49+1 = 50. .0 = 25. 25.is odd i for (2) put S.
Similarly 25 bcing odd, cannot bc exactly divided by 2, icpeat the abovo process and we have 25-4-1 = 26 and = 13.