Chhanda 3-an arrangement, disposition, a#1-7 structure,
free of a means Disposition of a siruciure", View of a structure is presented by its contour against the sky", "Perspective view."
These goes of rare primarily six in number, according to the rules of Architechture as laid down by writers of the Northern school. In this respect,साहित्य, संगीत and वास्तु stand upon a common platform, as they have, each, 6 priinary mas as unitary basis. They are 6, Bucha, qaral, sfee and . These primary Bes give rise, in the first instance, to as many as 36 secondary ms (just as 6 yrs of music produce 36 ufruits) by a process of combination of one with the other. Out of these 36 secondary ones, there arise tertiary, quarternary etc, fres and their number reaches eventually to a figure with 6 dots or even more ; and naturally so, as structures ministering to the needs of occupants of different grades in society, from 17, etc. to kings, and even gods and goddesses assume a variety of forms, and so do their contours present a corresponding variety of views. This will account for a very large number of ges as described above.
Now À8733-E-JERN (v. 26 5. 68 anua l), A6Th grapeta arala: (v. 30. Ibid.).
It has the form of the earth, and is like #8 mountain, with its shape like a si, Such a view is presented by a mountain,-a central pinnacle rising considerably above the ground surface and having sides stoping step by step in casy gradations all round, till eventually it reaches the general ground surface. I am irresistably prompted to quote the description of Boro Budour in Java, which unknowingly defines the view as 695-4. "From the square basic platform to the topmost of the circular platforms. is but 118 ft. in perpendicular height while the perimeter of the whole pyramid standing on that lowest platform is 2080 ft. so that the entire coinplexity of galleries with the bewildering wealth of ornamentation makes a much flattened half globc whose contour against the sky is a perfect curve ; in fact, one writer has un poetically said that the work has been carried out so skilfully that from far away the structure looks not unlike a highly ornate dish-over." (Vide the illustration of A679**). The following forms of structures etc. are illustrative of this 3-4:
i fa, fala, geoS, Á HITS, from a to the you. 2 913, #te, yc, atat, jar, and N5,-6 as of royal mansions, 3 starfa (?), #Z1, FCAT, FE, 990. 4 am, z, afera, que es and 53-68s of ordinary residen
tial quarters. 5 One, three, five, seven and nine mats of doorways. 6 afaa, arra, **, afax, FERIZE, 961, f alk-starls.
7 Trang Thariestas #571 sfang Surfergrauta. अप viji अ.