नागर - वेसर and द्राविड क्षेत्र
According to अपर जितपृच्छा and other works of the नागर school, there are five kinds of a (plan of a site) for a (a building or settlement) viz. वैराज, पुधक, कैलास, मणिक and त्रिविष्ट, Geometrically they represent the following forms - a square, a rectangle, a circle, an ellipse and an octagon. It may be incidentally observed that historically, if not pre-historically, these very terms are reminiscent of the earliest settlements of Aryans. It is now well recognised that Aryans came down from their early Asiatic homes into India at different epochs of Indian History in different groups or hoards. The earliest settlers came to वैराज ( ब्रह्मदश ) ब्रह्मा was the leader of that group who settled in Burma ( ब्रह्मदेश ) इरावतो, ऐरवत, ब्रह्मपुत्र, ब्रह्मद्वार, ( ब्रह्मचारिया ), ब्रह्म'वर्त etc. -all these terms drag on in the present day geography and are suggestive terms in vindication of the above conjecture. These early settlers extended their invasion and colonization in the western direction of India as far as the a, etc. and the country watered by the last named rivers is still known as ब्रह्मावर्त. The next inroad came from the North-west and their settlement was sty or rather पुरुषपुर, the modern Peshawar. Similarly, the 3rd, 4th and 5th inroads came from कैलास, Manipur in Assam and Tibet respectively. विश्वकर्मशिला here steps in to support this theory. (Vide foot-note 1) This fe has nine s under each क्षेत्र, मूणिक is there known as बम्रुज्ञितम Now बभ्रुसंज्ञितम् - बभ्रुवाहन was the son of 1 of the five is and was ruling the country of Manipur when the sacrificial horse of gaf led by a was taken to the king बभ्रुवाहन, son of अर्जुन by चित्रांगदा, In this connection
I. From Visvakarma Siilpa:--
मेव मन्दर क्षेत्र विमानं च तथा परम् । भद्रकः सर्वतोभद्रो रुचको नन्दनस्तथा ॥ नन्दिवर्धनसंज्ञश्च श्रीवत्सं च नवेत्यमी । वैराज्यसंभवाः । बडवी ग्रहराजश्च शालाग्रहं [शाला गारं] च मन्दिरम् ॥ विमानं च तथा ब्रह्ममंदिरं भवनं तथा । उत्तंवि शिविका वेश्म नवैते पुष्पकोद्भशः ॥ वलपो दुन्दुभिः पद्मो महापास्तथापरः । नन्द्यावर्ते वर्धमानं स्वस्तिकं धान्यकं तथा || गुत्रावृक्षस्तथैवान्यद्वत्त: कैलास संभवाः । ग्रहोऽथ वृषभो हंसो गडः सिंहनामकः ॥ भूमुखो भूघरश्चन श्रीजयः पृथिवीधरः * । वज्रं चक्रं तथान्यच पुष्टिकं बभ्रुसंज्ञितम् ॥ वकं स्वस्तिकखडगं च गदा श्रीवृक्ष एव च । विजयो नामतश्चैव त्रिविष्टप समुद्भवाः ॥
Note:--संज्ञितम् should go after पृथिवीधरः as the nine raras known as बभ्रसंज्ञितम् would end there. वज्रं, चक्रं, पुष्टिकं, वर्क, स्वस्तिकखड्गं, etc. would then be nine प्रासादs under त्रिवेष्टा. Here is some mistake in the original.