Godiyart. In this list the vis, faks, and 6 are clearly distinguished from the grass."
( 2197 is the name of a script also mostly prevailing in Northern India. There lives a powerful tribe called 2017 in the tract of Kibul in Afghanistan. 2018 is the designation of a sect of Brāhmaṇas also who, it is held, came over from some part in Northern India and settled down in Gujarat at a place known as antaragr. From these artans, it is said, came the use of the Rinti alohibet."
"A portion (Part VI) of the Feigaror bears the name an . From this instance it would appear that the expression is at least as old as the areas incorporated into the F**DETT which was composed in honour of, or at least named, faga (455 to 480 A.D.), the Seventh Emperor of the early 947 dynasty." (21 under 17, P. K. Acharya's Dictionary). The quotation, though a very long one is clearly indicative of the fact that the नागरब्राह्मगs as they left their own original home अधिक्षेत्र, the capital of Southeroqlary, have spread throughout the length and breadth of India and cven beyond, into Afghanistan.
SPECTO 16, verses 43-44 of flettetĄ and gar7619, verses 1920-1952, page 87-2, 88-15. It will be seen from these that the limits shown in both the northern and the southern schools, more or less, are the same. ज्ञानात्तकोष lays down the principalities of भारतवर्ष where the नागस्वास्तु was prevalent, as under: Those countries in which altared was distributed were Kishmir, Kütadesa, Gopa, Govardhana, Gopagiri (Gwalior). Benares, Mewad, Marudesa, Kichha, Bhadiyaka, (?) Saurāştra, Valaka (Dahalaka ), Kánya Kubja, etc., while the countries in which was ES was predominant was Karņāțaka etc., and fia, fist and other stats were conspicuous in their respective tracts.
It is not improbable that at had by the time racea came to be compiled, merged into one of the cight styles of #12.