work been composed before #ta, it should have only eight (as and not nine as it contains at present. Evidently fatage has not preceded 105. Scholars have fixed the date of Hta to be 200 A. D.
Thus the upper limit of the work is given as 200 A. D.
(b) qafail atafaut FCA (VEY ( 38 V 19). This reminds one of the well known stanza of Kalidasa viz. qui atafilehit etc. of $917974. Opinion is divided as to the exact age of Kälidása, He appears to have flourished in the 5th or 6th century A. D., but it is not necessary to probe into this question any further as there is a voluminous amount of other evidences which are dealt with below. (c) g779
सूत्र ३ ब्रह्माण्डोत्पति ( Origin of the Cosmos) » 4 qrata, #aqua, uasal
» 11 náfang -(development of an embryo and of the different states of consciousness therein).
, 17 aglag råce-Solar System. „ 18 får of different planets etc. Measures of time un
and स्थूल. » 20 gmita, #Facfor etc. All these and tenants of fas are alluded to in several gerais including waarnaa, arg, as etc., but as most of these have preceded स्कन्दपुराणs and शिवपुराण विद्येश्वरसंहिता and as these latter have been drawn upon bodily in the as named below, the other guas are passed over. (d) agtr-Copious extracts from this TM are as under -
ay 30 g atavier : » 31 arca farrufafara: , 32 farfaltare : ,38 TAHİN „53 TIETOARE TELESU: „54 Ft 430 tafel: „ 196 Question of superiority between an and falley and
dialogue thereon. शिषपुराम विद्येश्वरमेहिता -
2017 6th and 7th » 11th materials for the formation of for
, 18th different kinds of fans. The foregro is assigned to the 7th century A, D. (vide Winternitz: Histroy of Indian Literature, p. 571). (e) 1 V 12 and F 204 ( farmersuran ) are verses composed
by » Br. Scholars are divided as to the age of the Ist Ústata whose time is made to lie between a wide range varying from the 6th century B. C. to the 9th century A. D. I am, however, led to stick to the evidence supplied by tiegruş.