of infinitely more practical usc than any European system which I know of, for the Indian one treats of the actual proportion and surface form, rather than the more scientific attachments of muscles and articulations of bones.'
The subject of alsara is very fascinating indeed as it opens up a wide field for research to anthropologists, ethnologists and other workers in the allied sciences,
Besides, the Hindu Iconography of Gopinath Rao, the haute, Fre9727, gom, a TEATRI ( TS 74-75-76-79-81), #Tufaqezi, F L (Tess 50 to 57) &c, these contain a voluminous record of actual proportions and surface form of human figures as affording suitable data for working out ethnological problenis.
It may be noted that the maximum length of cranium, maximum width, ccphalic Index, auricular height, Basibrigmatic minimum front width, su praorbital width, maximum width at coronal suture, Bi-asterionic width Bi-mastoid width, maximum Brizygomatic width, nasal index, facial angle, circumference of the skull etc. are now accepted as determining factors in the racial types; and the vast array of measurements of human forms, if studied critically in the light of the existing knowledge of Ethnology and correlated sciences would be greatly helpful in fixing the Aryan, Dravidian or any other type of races known to the authors in India. Had Sir Herbert Risley, instead of studying peoples of India on unsound anthropometrical dat applied himself, heart and soul, towards th: unravelling of racial, problems from the data supplied by works on ated as detailed above, he would have laid the country under a deep debt of gratitude. His conclusions would have then been more thorough and definite,
9, 11, 67, 75 and these five types of man are shown in समराल्गणसूत्रधार अध्याय 81 with their various तालमानs. It would be a fine problem if ethnologists were to try to assign a proper place to these types in the scale of ethnic stratification.
$ 11 cf:-1 ma-aa269-978279 9.
कर्मणा देवनेत्रेण अन्तुर्देहोपपत्तये । faal: sfax si gat ta:6917: 0911 कललं त्वेकरात्रेण पञ्चरात्रेग बुद्बुदम् । दशाहेन तु कर्कन्धुः पेश्यण्डं वा ततः परम् ॥ मासेन तु शिरों द्वाभ्या बाहध्याद्यङ्गविग्रहः । नसलोमास्थिवर्माणि लिङगच्छिद्रोदभवनिभिः ॥३॥ चतुर्भि र्धातवः सप्त पञ्चभिः क्षुत्तुडुद्भवः । षड्भि जरायुणा वीतः कुक्षौ भ्राम्यति दक्षिणे ॥४॥ मातुर्जग्धानपानाधे रेघद्धातुरसंभते। शेते विण्मुत्रयोर्गर्ते सजन्तुर्जन्तुसंभवे ॥५॥