cular modifications here and there, înay have come to be implanted on the Indian system; in as much as the system was extensively in vogue in the various parts of India.
Further support to this problem is warranted on the ground that the guts or gts which are indissolubly connected with faalt owing to their forming an essential component, had themselves, a wide range of terminology as अवन्तिक, गांधार, शौरसेन, कौल, कौरव, मागध, वैदेह, पांचाल, also व्यामिश्र, कटिंग, काशिक, वराट, द्राविड, बबैर, कल and शाण्ड for their उदय (rise), as also the शिखरs. (vide: मथमतम् 18th अध्याय, verses 10 to 14). It may be emphasized that these varieties of us comprise almost all the countries covering the whole of India before the advent of the Mahomedan rulers, nay before the rise of Mahomedanism itself.
The consideration of ftata can never be complete until the TS are described at length, in as much as they are, as much an essential copartner in the composition of fata as a husband is to a wife in society. It is to the guts that the fan owes its charm and grace, thus, the consideration of gar derives an added importance in the exposition of वितान.
These लुमाsare, according to अपराजितपृच्छा uine in number as underतुम्बिनी, लम्बिनी, हेला, शान्ता, मनोरमा, गान्धार), हस्तिजिया, नागागा and भ्रमरावली, Their definitions are detailed in verses 7 to 12 under सूत्र 192. The समराडणसूत्रधार has only seven लुमाs. Instead of the last four above; it has कोला and आध्माता, the 1st four being common. Their characteristic features are described in verses 33 to 43.
I cannot close this subject without a reference to the fact that graart and other works dealing in the Southern School of Architecture have its which have been defined by Ram Raz as-a sloping and projecting member of the entablature ctc. representing a continued pent roof. It is made below the cupola and its ends are placed as it were suspended from the architraves and reaching the stalk of the lotus below." These als or gas as prescribed for temples arc technically called अम्बर, व्यय, ज्योतिस, गगन, विहायस, अनन्त, अन्तरिक्ष and पुष्कल and those for residential buildings are called मही, ज्या, काश्यपी, क्षोणी, ऊर्ती, गोत्रा, वसुन्धरा and वसुधा. ( Vide: मानसार).
What are styled as us in Dravidian and allied literature are named लुम, लमा in the नागर sytle of architecture. महालक्ष्मी सूत्र २२२. cf. रूपमंडन अध्याय 5. Verses 58 to 61-लक्ष्मी and महालक्ष्मी ।
ऊर्ध्वहत्त्तौ प्रकर्तव्यो देव्याः पंकजधारिणौ । ५८ वामेऽभृतघटं धत्ते दक्षिण मातुलिंगकम् । इति लक्ष्मी :।। क्षेत्रे कोलापुरादन्ये महालक्ष्मीर्यदाच्यते ॥ ५९ लक्ष्मीवत् सा सदा कार्या रूपाभरणभूषिता । दक्षिणाधः करे पात्रमूर्व कौमोदकी भवेत् ॥६. वामोर्व खेटकं धत्ते श्रीफलं तदधः करे ।।
इति महालक्ष्मीः ॥