LOY be assigned to Sabara. Sabara refers to sünyavida and vijñānavdda in his com. on I, 1, 5, and lieroin he actually mentions the Mahāyünikas by name (" a s Agua#: 9er:”). Sabara is sereral times mentioned and criticized in Tattvcısangraha (vide Pp. 423, 471 etc.). He is posterior to Patañjali, the author of Mahibhrisyn; for this work is utilized by him in his Bhäsya (vide intro, p. LXXXVII). Prof. G. V. Devasthali has there, fore erred in making the following observation:---
"There appears to be no ground, therefore, to suppose that Sabara was acquainted with Patanjali and his work."
Subhasta ( 650 A.D.-700 A.D.) He is mentioned by Haribhadra in his com. ( Fol. I, p. 337) on AJP. There he is referred to as 'vārtikānusărin'. I interpret this phrase as one following Pramūnavārtikci of Dharmakirti. In the text the following five verses attributed to this Suhhagupta are quoted:
"रूपान्तर विकल्पे यदुभयोः प्रतिभासते। pret da ga gearszaalta: 11 9 11 यादृशादू यः समुत्पन्नः सः भवत्येव कारणम् । तादृग्विधविकल्पस्य ध्वनिः सङ्केतसंस्थितिः ॥ २ ॥ किमेतदिति सङ्केत्य इतरोऽप्येवमित्यदः । # 40992 ante las 21:59: #1 वक्तः श्रोतुश्च तुल्याभे वुद्धी तेनैकगोचरे। तत्त्वेन बहिरोऽस्ति न कश्चिच्छन्दगोचरः ॥ ४ ॥ स्वबुद्धिप्रतिभासस्य संवित्तावपि जायते ।
वहिरर्धग्रहे मानस्तुल्यतैमिरवुद्धिवत् ॥ ५॥" In the svopajña com. (p. 59a) on Sāstraviārtasamuccaya (v. 422) there is mention of Subiragupta. I take him to be the same as one noted above.
See his article "On the probable date of Sabara-svämin" (p. 93 ) published in the "Silver Jubilee Volume of the Annals of B.O.RI. On p. 85 he says: Dr. Keith in his Karmamiminsă (p. 9) concludes that 400 A. D. is the earliest date to which Sabar& can be assigned. Prof. P. V. Kane holds that Sabara wrote his Bhäsya betroen 100 A. D. and 500 A.D. (vide p. 13f. of A brief sketch of the Pürva. mīrānā). Dr. Mm. Jha accepts the view of Dr. Keith as can be soen from his translation (pt. III, intro. p. VI) to Sabara-bhasa. Prof. Devasthali places Śabara somewhere in the 1st century A. D. (vide p. 85 of his article ),