[P. 368, 1. 22
P. 368, 1. 22. Mantra' means a charm, a spell, a magical formula.
P. 369, 1. 10. What is tādātmya' is a question raised here. It admits of two answers: (i) just given on this page and (ii) givea on p. 371. : P. 369, 11. 14-15. Mūla-siddhănta-vădin' is one who is establishing one's original thesis.
P. 370, 11. 6 & 16. Dravyavarganä' is & varganā from the standpoint of dravya and not from those of kpetra etc. See “ Notes"(pp. 250-251).
P. 370, I. 20. Dharmästikāya' is one of the the six dravyas of Jainism. Its function is to help the animate and inanimate objects in their motion without compelling or impelling them to resort to motion. Dharmāstikāya consists of prades'as as it is an astikaya? For details see p. 382, 1. 25 and JRL (p. 53).
P. 370, 1. 23. Astikāya is usually interpreted as an aggregate of prades'08. All the dravyas except time are so designated, and hence their number is five according to the S'vetāmbaras and the Digambaras as well. The five astilāyas are: (i) jīvāstikāya, (ii) dharmastikāya, (ii) adharmastikāya, (iv) äkūs'āstikāya and (v) pudgalāstikāya.
P. 371, 1. 7. Dovadaita. For this word see “Notes” (p. 293).
P. 371, 1. 12. In Āyõracunni (p. 3) we have: fi argoy AIT, mig at. S'ilārika Sūri in his com. (p. 5a ) on Ayāra sayo: autot Tatay 1967, og det. For further particulars about "Vāblika' see "Notes" (p. 304).
P. 372, 1. 8. Dhaya', a homonym here means a kind of tree. This word occurg on p. 373, 1. 6. In Pāžys we have this very word, and it is used in this very sense in Panhävūgarana (I), Ovavaiya (9.6, p. 4) and the com. (P. 429a ) on Uvacsapaya ( v. 1031).
P. 377, 1. 24. According to the Jainas (the Syadvādins) anus even in their sūksma (subtle) condition are sthüla ( gross) from the stand-point of their potency. Thus paramcnus have grossness, too, as one of their dharmits.
P. 385, 1. 3. Săspä' means the dew-lap of an ox or a cow. It occurs in Mahābhāsya (p. 1) on I, i. It has gala-kambala” as its synonym. In Pâïya it is called grus, in Guj, Tech and in Marathi 97001?.
P. 385, 11. 3-4. See p. 388, 1. 5 etc.
P. 385, 11. 3-5. Here is given the definition of 's'abda' from Mahābhāsya (p. 16).
P. 385, 1. 4. Kakuda' means the hump on the shoulders of an Indian bull. This word occurs in Mahābhāsya (P.1). Its Päiya equivalent is kaüha' or .kakuha'. Cf. the Guj, word 'khündha'.
In Anuogaddaracunni "astikāya' is explained as under:"3 steg, 29 fa 4: Trgfari( *:?), for arat 317 3 धर्मश्चासौ अस्तिकायश्च धर्मास्तिकायः"