[P.1, 1.22
371, 376, 394, 399 & 401 and in Vol. II on pp. 13, 41, 48, 51, 58, 68, 113, 131, 133, 205, 209, 222 & 239. The plural number does not betray his egoism; for, it is intended to suggest that there are good many persons who sail in the same boat as the author. In Sastravártásamuccaya (v. 28), the com. (p. 21a) on Dasaveyaliya, that (p. 61 ) on Nandi, and that' (p. 9) on Nyayapravesaka our author has used the plural number. The pertinent lines are: "Reg &#:", after 7e919:", " statem" and "Sisa:" respec. tively. Umāsvāti, ton, has referrel to liimself in the plural number in his Bhuşya (pp. 350 and 427) on TS (V, 22 & 27). Kalikālasarvajaa Hemacandra has done so in Anyayogavyavacchedadutrinsikt (v. 31 ) and in the evopa lagharti an Siddhakemacundra (I, 1, 1, & VII, I, 1). Of these the first case is ingeniously explained in Syndrădamanjari. As legarls the second there is a tippars as unler:
""प्रणिदध्महे' इत्यत्र बहुवचनं ध्येयगुणवाहुल्यात् कर्तुस्तदभेदेन, 'अविशेषणे द्वौ चासदः' इति (२-२-१२२) सत्रेण वा निर्दोषमस्ति, नाचार्यगर्वद्योतकमिति वेद्यम् ।”
Prtlivadhara in his com, on Nicclckatika has referred to himself in plural in the opening varse. It rnus as under:
years of total nou agt: !!!! Now a days even editors use the plural number in their editorials,
P.2, 1. 4. Vyaksena' means in extenso. This word occurs in Vol. II on p. 176, 1. 21.
P. 2, 1. 6. The word 'stkūra' occurs on pp. 102, 155, 157, 175, 178, 183, 184, 186, 366, & 376-378. But its meaning is not given in its vyākhyā. On p. 178, 1. 19 it is merely suggested. Haribhasira has rendered thülaga' occurring in Pañcceuitago (II) as 'sthara' in his com. (p. Ja) on it. It is also used by other writers who flourished after him e. g. hy Siddharsi in his com (pp. 30 & 32) on Nyliyiratara and by Malayagiri Sūri in his com. (p. 91 ) on Nanda. Sådhusundara Gani mentions it as a synonym of sthūla' (gross) in his S'abdarathrakara (III, 72). The pertinent verse is as under:
"अपचितोऽथाहणायां पूजा पूज्याऽथ पीनके।
agost nem tarta da 47: II 02 11" P. 2, I. 12. S'ista' means a magnanimous-ininded personality. See p. 239, 11. 6 & 7 of Vol. II, where this word is explained as 'mahātman'. As stated there his quality of being s'ista' lies in his being ever ready to do good to others. Samaya', a homonym, here means a convention, practice. So s'istānām samayah' means'practice of the good and the respectable'i. e. to say the authority of good usage. It is thus equal to s'istācāra'. The duty of salutation is based upon it. The lines a ferairTagaam occurs in the com. (p. lb) on Pañc!vatthuga and that (p. 1a on Sāstracortasamu.ccuycu. 1 On p. 10 we have