nyayas to illustrate the discussions in question. He is practically the first Jaina writer to use the nyāyas. They are: गडुप्रवेशेऽक्षितारकाविनिर्गम (Vol. I, p. 56) and तैमिरिकद्वयद्विचन्द्रप्रतिपादन ( Vol. I, p. 337). Of these, the former occurs in Jayarāśi Bhatta's Tattvopaplavasinha (p. 23). In Vol. I (pp. 256 & 346) and in Vol. II (pp. 122, 207 & 208 ) he has given synonyms.
Some phrases occur many a time e. g. a. (pp. 28, 38, 56, 57 etc.), aflata (pp. 32, 92, 95, 109 etc.), gount atacant (pp. 150, 231, 295, 302, 375, 393-394 etc.), francia (pp. 64, 110, 265, 347, 358, 364 etc.), m en harfiah (pp. 42, 77, 104, 198, 222, 331 etc.) and af arftakhuftacare (pp. 99, 250, 275, 308, 338, 369, 393 etc.).
In the body of the text, we come across verses at times but most of them are quotations from other works.
Modesty-Our author is not wanting in modesty, a common feature of the Indian writers; for, he says that the task undertaken by him is beyond his capacity which is not fully evolved owing to past karmans. All the same he says that he could compose this work by the grace of his preceptor.
(3) Anekāntajayapa.tākoddyotadīpikā
This is a com. (wyākhyā) on AJP by the author himself. It is in prose intersepted by verses most of which are quotations, Dissolution of compounds, elucidation of difficult words and that of relative pronouns, incidental mention of the source of quotations, and the things indicated by adi are the most prominent features of this com "arra: RTA:" referred to on p. 201 (Vol. II) as nyāya, occurs as a sütra in TS (V, 41). Etymologies are given at times. For example, those of सर्वज्ञ, प्रकरण, भव, इन्द्र, शक्र, and पुरन्दर are met with, on p. 3 (1l. 25–26), p. 9 (11. 14-15), p. 10 (II. 25–26), p. 45 (1. 24), p. 45 (1. 24) and p. 45 (1. 25 ) respectively. That of dravya is noted in the text (pp. 46-47). On p. 7 (11. 1314) the word “sātmya' is as it were defined. 2n is explained as एवमनङ्गीकरणे (pp. 11 & 37) and many a time as एवमनभ्युपगमे (pp. 53,
I See my article "270919 serat” published in "Jaina dharma prakāša"
(Vol. LX, Nos. 2-4). 2 On p. 89 of Vol. I and on p. 82 of Vol. II we have gitarista and
on p. 296 of Vol. IXTING, 3 See the introductory verses,