(v) He believed that kevala-jñünd was identical with
kevala-darsana, a view held by Vrddhācārya. Vide
p. LXI. (vi) He dispensed with Naigama as its function, if
general, was performed by Sangraha, and, if special, by Vyavahāra. Vide the com, (pp. 315 #.) on
Sammaïnayarana (I, 4-5). (vii) He is held in high esteem both by the Sretāmbaras
and the Digambarus. "ha: alate" occurring in Joinendra vyákarana (V, 1,7) of Pujyapäda Deve
nandin scems to be an eulogy of his erudition. (viii) He is an author of the following metrical works :
(a) Thirty-two Dvâtrimsakcīs in Sanskrta. If Nyayavatāra' is here included, 22 Dvātrinsikās are extant. The verse
TULEE ROETEOis quoted by Abhayadeva in his com, on Sammaipayarana on p. 757 and a se racons by Maladhārin Hemacandra in his com. (p. 1198) on Visesī. They may be from the missing Dvätrimsikas.
There is a com. on Dvātrimsika XXI by Udayasagara Sūri of the 16th century, and it is publishod. Nyāyāvatūra is commented upon by Siddharşi. The rest are without commentaries.
A verse from his Pramānadvatrimsikā is quoted by Siddhasena Gani in his com. (p. 71) on TS (1, 10).
There is mention of Siddhasena in the Dvātrimsikis V & XXI, in v, 31, in each case.
(b) Kalyanamandirastotra of 44 verses in Sanskrta. (c) Sammaipayarana in Päïya in three sections. (ix) The gaccha of Siddhasena Divākara flourished at
least up to Samvat 1086. This is what one can infer from the following lines on one of the metal
idols in a Jaina temple in the fort of Jesalmere :"श्री'नागेन्द्र'कुले श्रीसिद्धसेनदिवाकराचार्यगच्छे अम्माछुप्ताभ्यां कारिता संक्त
| This may be compared with Nyayabindu, Nyāyamukha and
Nyáyapraveśaka. 2 This verse deals with the identity of kevalajñāna and kevala.
darśana, and it is attributed to 'stutikara'. 3 This is one of the eight temples, and it has 211 metal-idols. 4 For details son JSP (Vol. VII, No. 8).