(4) and (5) Even, in the ocean- when the seafarers give up with their ships unwrecked because the ocean is disturbed by gale forces and is roaring with high tide, and when the sailors have parted with their duties in virtue of their fear of loss of happiness or fear of death of their captain- only those who pray at Pärshvanatha's lotus feet would cross the ocean in no time.
(6) and (7) The jungle, where a fire increases rapidly due to the high winds and which looks all too frightful because the deer are running to save their lives, and where trees are gathered together (having the same fate) on account of the flames, would cause no fear to those who remember the universal preceptor's feet: the feet which have alleviated miseries in all three worlds.
(8) and (9) O Pärshvanätha! who so ever in this world recites the mantra embodied with your name, would consider the largest of snakes who have a flashing hood, throbbing red-eyes and vibrating tongue and who is poisonous, as a mere small insect.
(10) and (11) O Pärshvanätha, whoever just bows down to you (or whoever has the business of worshipping you) would cross a deep forest quickly and reach the destination desired in their hearts. Even if that forest is feared by all because of thieves, wild animals, lions and where many have been robbed or killed in the past.
(12) and (13) O Pärshvanätha! The Nails (of your feet), which shine like precious gems, reflect the images of kings when they bow down at your feet. O Lord! those who accept the weapon of your words (your scriptural path) - can ignore even the fierce gigantic lion - with fiery eyes, wide jaws and who has pierced the expanse of temples of elephants by their sharp claws.
(14) and (15) O Pärshvanätha! Those who have sought refuge at your feet, can ignore the fierce elephant with mace-like tusks resembling the moon in whiteness, raised long trunks, yellowed eyes and who is roaring like a dark cloud full of rain.
(16) And (17) O Pärshvanatha! The soldiers who recite your name can gain victory over the enemies with great pride in a battle where the headless bodies fight on and where the baby elephants scream when hit by spears.
(18) All diseases and fears of water, fire, snake, thief, enemy, lion, elephant and battle perish just by reciting the name of Pärshvanatha.
(19), (20) and (21) This recitation is capable of removing all fears, pleasing to noble people and is like a treasure of auspicious happenings. Whoever recites this even in forest, at dawn or in the evening, facing obstacles or during the dark fearful night in case they are suffering from fear of the state (king), yakshas, rakshasas, bad dreams, evil constellations or any adversity, can obtain peace. May the Lord Pärshvanätha, whose feet have been worshipped by the people of all the worlds, remove all the sins of Mantunga (the poet of this Stavana).
(Comment: It is quite likely that the original smarana ends here. Many manuscripts contain twenty-one verses. A commentary on this smarana by Chirantan Mooni stops