Anänupurvi in front of him and recites the line as per the corresponding number in the table, he will be able to focus his mind only on the mantras. While progressing on the squares from left to right chant the first sentence (Namo Arihantänam) at numeral one, chant the second sentence (Namo Siddhänam) when you see number two, third sentence (Namo Ayariyanam) at three, fourth sentence (Namo Uvajjhäyänam) at four, and fifth sentence (Namo loe savva sähunam) at five.
The Anänupurvi provides a simple method of chanting without any repetition of the sequence. Mathematically you can do this one hundred and twenty different ways.
5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1 = 120.
Therefore 120 squares are required to make whole Anänupurvi. You are, of course, limited to five squares horizontally because there are five lines of obeisance
The Anånupurvi tables are given on Page No......
There is a famous couplet about the importance of The Anänupurvi tables:
"Chant the Anupurvi everyday and your mind will be stable. It benefits like the six-month penance and cleanses the mud of sin. The king of mantras, the Navkära showers the essence of peace of mind, And filling the mundane life with happiness leads to immortality."
Some Important Mantras for Worship:
Mantra for pacifying the nine planets:
According to the mantra texts, the prescribed procedure for pacifying a planet is to meditate and chant the mantra with a visualisation of the colour associated with that planet. The best way to remove the ill effects of all the nine planets is to chant the five lines of the Namaskära mantra.
1. The colour of the Moon and Venus is white. To pacify these visualise the colour white and chant one thousand times: Aum Hrim Namo Arihantänam.
2. The colour of the Sun and Mars is red. To pacify these visualise the colour red and repeat one thousand times the mantra, Aum Hrim Namo Siddhänam.
3. The colour of Jupiter is yellow. To pacify this visualise the colour yellow and repeat one thousand times the mantra, Aum Hrim Namo Ayariyänam.
4. The colour of Mercury is green. To pacify this visualise the colour green and repeat one thousand times the mantra, Aum Hrim Namo Uvajjhäyänam.
5. The colour of Saturn is black. Visualise the colour black and repeat one thousand times Aum Hrim Namo Loe Savva-sähunam' to remove the bad omen of the planet Saturn.
The Basis of Meditation: