CONTENT First Part : Source of Illumination
Verses 1. Precepts on the Auspicious (HISTEET)
1-16 2: Precepts on the Jina's Teachings (FFAITHE) 17-24 3. Precepts on the Religious Order (HERCET) 25-31 4. Precepts on the Scriptural Exposition (FagureF) 32-44 5. Precepts on the Transmigratory Cycle (HHRESTHET) 45-55 6. Precepts on the Karmas ( ET)
56-66 7. Precepts on the Wrong Faith (FATE) 67-70 8. Precepts on the Renunciation of Attachment
71-81 9. Precepts on the Religion (HET)
82-121 10. Precepts on Self-Restraint (H4HCET)
122-139 11. Precepts on Non-Possessiveness (319fUEF) 140-146 12. Precepts on Non-Violence (31 EHTE)
147-159 13. Precepts on Vigilance (3144IG:E)
160-169 14. Precepts on Education (ETF)
170-176 15. Precepts on Soul ( 31154 FT)
Second Part : Path of Liberation 16. Precepts on the Path of Liberation (HTE TANTEET) 192-207 17. Precepts on Three Jewels (TITUTE)
208-218 18. Precepts on Right Faith (HRT )
219-244 19. Precepts on Right Knowledge (HRTSITEET) 245-261 20. Precepts on Right Conduct (HRP F ) 262-287 21. Precepts on Spiritual Realization (ATTRICE) 288-295 22. Precepts on the Two Paths of Religion (Palang)
296-300 23. Preceptson House-holder's Religion (ra ) 301-335 24. Precepts on Religion of Monks (2744TTF) 336-363
Jain Education International
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