Jain Education International
The person who, because of attachment, experiences good and bad mental states in regard to things different from the self, is devoid of spiritual conduct, and therefore, (he) is the pursurer of unspiritual conduct.
The person who is devoid of all attachments and who is engrossed in the self apprehends and experiences the self in its basic nature. He, certainly, pursues spiritual conduct.
For the person who is not disposed to the spiritual way of life and even then who performs austerity and adopts vows, (for him) the Jinas (spiritual victors) say that his performance of austerity and his adoption of vows-both are unwise.
The unwise person who at every time partakes of a very little quantity of food measured from the forepart of a pointed blade of Kusa ( variety of) grass even after a month's fast performed many times, (he) does not attain even the one-sixteenth part of that complete moon of religion which has been pronounced from the spiritual point of view.
Undoubtedly, ethico-spiritual conduct has been proclaimed to be religion Again, that which is equanimity has also been certainly proclaimed to be religion. And equanimity is the psychical state of self devoid of attachment and perturbation. (Hence equanimity has been equated with the ethicospiritual conduct).
Just as equanimity has been delineated, so also balancedness, pure psychical state, dispassionateness, spiritual conduct, religion and veneration for the original nature of self have been identically delineated.
The psychical state of the Sramana (saint) by whom spiritual principles and the Agamas (scriptures) have been rightly comprehended, who is occupied with austerity and selfrestraint, by whom attachment has been done away with, by whom pleasure and pain have been considered to be basically the same, (the psychical state of the Sramana) has been proclaimed to be pure awareness.
Samaṇasuttam-Vol. I
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