The wise person should neither hide ( the significant help received from somebody), nor show disregard ( to others ), nor resort to self-conceit and to the display ( of his own achievements), nor indulge in ridiculing others, nor declare the blessing ( to be bestowed upon somebody ). Whenever the wise person observes in himself that something wrong has been committed by his own mind, body and speech, he should immediately withdraw from there, just as a horse of good breed immediately withdraws from wrong movements on sensing the direction of) reins. Undoubtedly you have crossed the great ocean of the world, then, having come on the shore, why are you standing there? Oh Gautam ! for leaving even the shore ( for attaining perfection ) you should quicken. Be aware of the opportunity (that has come to you and do not be indolent. In the spiritually awakened ( one ) who is fond of morally excellent persons, who follows them with great regard, who keeps speaking lovable words to them, there exists ( in one ) the quality of affection towards the virtuous. By telling ethico-spiritual stories, by performing faultless external penances and also by being kind and compassionate to Jivas ( beings ), values should to made effective An expounder of value-principles, a narrator of ethicospiritual stories, a disputant, a foreteller, a performer of severe penances, a possessor of value-knowledge, an occupant of supernormal powers and a poet - all these eight have been proclaimed to be effective personalities.
(19) of Value-Knowledge
Having listened to ( value-discourse ), one comprehends the ethico-spiritual beneficence; having listened to ( value- discourse ) one also comprehends the unauthentic course of life; having listened to these, one comprehends both of them. Hence one should follow that which is ( ethico-spiritually ) beneficial.
Samanasuttam-Vol. I
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