Jain Education International
From the transcendental standpoint that which expresses itself in silence is spiritual awakening. That which is spiritual awakening from the transcendental standpoint expresses itself in silence in this world. But from the empirical standpoint even the means of transcendental spiritual awakening has been styled spiritual awakening.
Even performing very severe austerities, persons devoid of spiritual awakening do not attain spiritual wisdom even in thousands and crores of years.
Persons devoid of spiritual awakening have gone away (from truth). Consequently, in the life of persons devoid of spiritual awakening (supreme peace (equanimity) does not occur. Persons who have neglected ethico-spiritual conduct (even after experiencing spiritual awakening) succeed (in attaining equanimity) (after definitely performing ethico-spiritual conduct at the proper time). But persons devoid of spiritual awakening never succed (in attaining equanimity).
He (by whom) flawless spiritual awakening has been attained, is unparalleled, (since) he (definitely) attains supreme peace (equanimity). The person devoid of spiritual awakening does not attain desired beneficence (of equanimity).
If the achievement of spiritual awakening is on the one side and the achievement of the three worlds is on the other, (out of these two) the achievement of spiritual awakening is undoubtedly better than that of the three worlds.
What is the use of much stated things? (It is sufficient to say that) (you) should know the significance of spiritual awakening by virtue of which noble persons have succeeded in the past (in attaining equanimity), and (in future) also noble persons will succeed (in attaining equanimity).
Just as a leaf of the lotus plant because of its own nature and constitution is not defiled by water, so also an awakened person because of its spiritual nature is not sullied by passions and sensuous attractions.
Samanasuttam-Vol. I
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