Having studied the scriptures, the person who is engrossed in devotion to scriptures attains value-knowledge and becomes of concentrated mind. (The consequence of which is that he himself remains firm in values and makes others to remain firm in values.
He who always remains with the Guru (spiritual teacher), who is of auspicious tendencies, who is affectionate, who is benevolent and who has an agreeable tongue, is fit to receive education
Just as by means of one lamp a large number of lamps become illuminated and that lamp itself remains illuminated, so also, like a lamp, the Ācārya remains illuminated (with knowledge) and illuminates others (with knowledge)
(15) Of self
Know it for certain that the Jiva (self) is the repository of excellent characteristics. It is the supreme substance among the substances and the superb spiritual principle among the principles (Tattvas) Selves are of three kinds perverted selves, awakened selves, and supreme selves The supreme selves are of two kinds embodied selves and disembodied selves. The person who recognises that bodily senses are ultimate is called the perverted self, and the person in whom the acceptance of self (as different form the body) is without any doubt is called the awakened sell, and the self devoid of all the Karmic taints is called the supreme self And the supreme sell is called the Deva (divine being) By whom all the objects have been apprehended through omniscience and by whom superb happiness has been experienced, (they) are styled Arahantas who are embodied (spiritually perfect personalities) Siddhas are (discmbodied), yet they are knowledge- bodied (souls) endowed also with superb happiness.
Samaņasuttam-Vol I
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