If there is gain, there arises greed Because of gain, greed increases The work which was carlier done though thirty six grains (of gold) (now on account of the increase in greed) has not been completed even by means of ten millions (of gold) Even if, by chance, countless mountains of silver and gold like the Kailasa ( mountain) may present themselves to the greedy person, he is not satisfied by them in the least, in as much as desire is unending like the sky Just as duck is certainly born of an egg and just as an egg is certainly born of the duck, so also the dwelling of infatuation is undoubtedly covetedness and covetedness is undoubtedly the dwelling of infatuation Jinas (spiritual victors) say so In the life of that person who washes the heap of the dirt of intense greed through the (pure) water of complete contentment and who is devoid of covetedness for food, there exists the virtue of unsullied purity. Practice of vows, observance of carefulness in activities, curbing of passions, abandonment of inauspicious activities and subjugation of senses-(all this) has been stylcd self-restraint For him who, having adopted self-restraint in passions and sensuous enjoyments, contemplates the self through meditation and study, (for him) there is austerity as a rule In the life of that person who, having renounced attachment to things, reflects on the three-fold means of detachment from mundane existence, renunciation occurs This has been proclaimed by the Arahantas (cmbodied spiritually perfect personalities) He who turns huis back upon the alluring and likeable plcasures which have been obtained (by him) and (also) abandons the pleasures at his own disposal, is really a renunciatory It is said so
In the life of the saint who, having resle ained the mentalsiates of pleasure and pain, and who, having been devoid of possessions, is certainly free from mental quality, there comes into being the virtue of non-possession.
Samaņasuttam-Vol. I
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