The person who is detached from the world of things becomes free from sorrow In spite of his being in the world, he is not defiled by the uninterrupted current of suferings, just as the Icaf of the lotus-plant is not defiled by water
(9) Of Spiritual values
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That which is Ahimsā (non-violencc), self-restraint and austerity is Dharma (spiritual value) It is by virtue of the Dharma (spiritual value) that suprcmc spiritual bencficcnce results To him whose mind is (absorbed) in the Dharma (spiritual values) even gods pay homage The basic nature of a (sentient) thing is known as Dharma (spiritual valuc), the mental states of forgiveness ctc are ten kinds of Dharma (spiritual values), the togetherness of three Jewels is also Dharma (spiritual value); and again the protection of Jivas (beings) is Dharma (spiritual value) Spiritual value is often kinds excellent forgiveness, excellent modesty, cxcellent straightforwardness, cxcellent truthfulness, excellent purity, excellent self-restraint, cxcellent austerity, excellent renunciation, excellent non possession and excellent celibacy In the life of the person who, on the occasion of formidable affliction which is being created by gods, men and animals, is not excited by anger, there exists unsullied forgreness I forgive all the beings May all the beings forgive me My amity is with all the beings and enmity with none If, previously, because of even the slightest ncgligence, I have not bchaved well with you all, I, having become devoid of evil disposition and bad emotion, beg you forgiveness In the life of the saint (or the householder) who does not boast of his family, beauty, cast, learning, penance, of his religious faith (scriptures) and of his conduct, there appears the virtue of modesty
I orgiveness, modesty, suaightforwardness, truthfulness, purity, self-restraint, austerity, renunciation, non-possession and celibacy Spiritual awakening, valuc-knowledge and ethico spiritual conduct
Samanasuttam-Vol. I
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