(7) of Spiritual Perversion Oh ! ( the fact is that the unawakened soul (who), because of not knowing the authentic path, transmigrated for a long time to the formidable and drtadfuil forest of the different grades of existence by reason of the spiritually pcrvcrted understanding The Jiva (person) experiencing spiritual perversion becomes perverted in his attitude Again, he does not like the virtuous path, as the person down with fever does not relish even the sweet juice. The self overcome by spiritual perversion has been greatly overpowered by intense passion (and) (he), believing in the identity of self and body, becomes the perverted self. He who does not follow the spiritual principle is spiritually perverted. Consequently, who can call others (who are following the spiritual principle) spiritually perverted again, the spiritually perverted, engendering in others doubt (rcgarding the spiritual principle), increases his own spiritual perversion and that of the others. (8) of the abandonment of Attachment The basis of Karma (Karmic bondage) is attachment and aversion, Karma arises even from spiritual forgetsuiness Jinas (spiritual victors) say so Certanly, Karma is the source of birth and death. Birth and death are undoubtedly suffering. Jinas say so
door-keeper does not allow person to meet the king,etc, so also the intuition-obscuring Karma does not allow apprehension of things 3) Just as on licking honey from the sharp edge of a sword, the person enjoys honey from the sharp edge of a sword, the person enjoys honey as well as suffers pain, so also the feeling-producing Karma produces pleasure and pain in man 4) Just as wine stupefies a person, so also the delusion-producing Karma perverts the person 5) Just as wooden fetter stops the movement of a person, so also the longevity -determining Karma obliges the soul to stay in a particular body 6) Just as the painter produces different pictures, so also the body-making Karma makes different bodies 7) Just as a potter makes earthen pots of different size, so also the status- determining Karma determines status in society 8) Just as a treasurer generates obstruction in giving money, etc to others, so also the obstruction-generating Kaima causes handicaps in chanty, in gains and in self-power
Samaņasuttam-Vol. I
Jain Education International
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