Persons who are engrossed in the utterances of Jina (spiritually victorious ) and who follow them with interest, become dirtless and unperturbed and also they become the holders of only limited transmigratory existence. O dispassionate one! O holy teacher of the world! O Lord! Salutation (to you). ( My desire is that) for me, by virtue of your effectiveness, there should come into being detachment from the worldly life, the following of the right path and the accomplishment of the intended result. He who is the knower of his own faith and that of the others, who is profound, resplendent, benevolent, tranquil and who has been endowed with hundreds of virtues, is capable of delivering the essence of the doctrine (preached by the Arahantas). Whatever you desire from yourself (for yourself) and whatever you do not desire from yourself ( for yourself), desire that for others and do not desire that for others). This much is the law of Jina.
(3) Of Samgha (Order of Householder and Non-householder)
Verily, the Samgha ( order of householder and nonhouseholder) is the confluence of (mystico-moral) virtues. (The consequence of this is that) it becomes the annihilator of Karmas (filth attached to the soul) Again, the Samgha incorporating spiritual awkening, value - knowledge and ethico - spiritual conduct in the life of the individual is the Samgha in real spirit Verily, a triad of three Jewels, namely, spiritual awakening, value-knowledge and ethico-spiritual conduct is styled 'Gana' ( the assemblage of pious personalities) The (group of) means of moving towards the path of equanimity has been called 'Gaccha' (the group of disciples of an Acārya). Truly, the Samgha ( order of householder and non-householder) is the confluence of (mystico-moral) virtues And really, t pure soul is identical with the equanimous state of mind
Samanasuttam-Vol. I
Jain Education International
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