resolved. By reason of his self-realisation, he has transcended the dualities of friends and enemies, pleasure and pain, praise and censure, life and death, sand and gold.
The Arahanta is the omniscient being. He therefore, neither accepts nor abandons, nor transforms the external objectivity, but only witnesses and apprehends the world of objects without entering into them, just as the eyes see objects of sight. The knowledge which is independent, perfect, immaculate, intuitive and extended to infinite things of the universe may be identified with bliss on account of the absence of discomposure arising from the knowledge which is dependent, imperfect maculate mediate and extended to limited things. In other words, the consciousness of the Arahanta is not only omnipotent and intuitive but also blissful. Bliss is naturally consequent upon the destruction of the undesirable and accomplishment of the desirable Thus the Arahanta experiences unprecendented bliss which originates from the innermost beings of self and which is supersensuous, unique, infinite and interminable We may conclude by saying that the cognitive, conative and affective tendencies of the Arahanta reveal their original manifestation in his supreme mystical experience, which is ineffable and transcends all the similies of the world.
In preparing this English translation of the Samanasuttaṁ Vol. 1 the text of the Samaṇasuttaṁ published by the Sarva Seva Samgha, Varanasi in 1975 has been utilised, for which I express my thankfulness to the Sarva Seva Samgha.
I am grateful to Shri S.N. Joshi, Department of English, Sukhadia University Udaipur for going through the English translation and giving valuable suggestions. My thanks are due to my wife, Smt Kamla Devi Soganı for correcting the proofs of the Prakṛta Gāthās with interest and zeal.
I offer my sincere thanks to Shri D.R. Mehta. Secretary, Prakṛta Bharati. Academy and to Mahopadhyaya Shri Vinay Sagarji, Director, Prakṛia Bharati Academy who evinced a keen interest in bringing out this English translation of the Samaṇasuttaṁ, Vol i
Formerly Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy Sukhadia University
Udaipur. 28.5.93
Jain Education International
For Private Personal Use Only
Kamal Chand Sogani