stop the movement of a person so also the longevity-deterinining hamma obliges the soul to slavin a particular body (6) Just as the painier produces different pictures. so also the body making karma makes different bodies (7) Just as a potter nakes earthen pots of different sizes, so also the status determining karna determines status in society (8) Just as a treasurer generates obstructions in giving money, etc to others, so also the obstruction-generating karna causes handicaps in charity, in gains and in self-power
it is no doubt that the karma binds self to mundane existence The Sumaņasuttan tells us that somewhere the Jivas are subject to karmas, (psycho-physical impurities and somewhere Karinas are subject to Jivas, as somewhere the money-lender is powerful and somewhere the debtor is poiverful Again it is said that when man choose the Karma, (action for karmic bondage) they are free, but in the rise of that bound karma, they become dependent, as when one climbs a tree, one is free; but when one falls from it, one becomes dependent (choiceless)
Now.he question that arises is this How the self is bound by Karma ? What are the causes that create Karmic bondage in the self? The answer of Samanasuttam is that its actions (mental, bodily and vocal) polluted by passions that cause empirical bondage to the self The passion-free actions do not bring about any mundane bondage whatsoever
The Samanasuttan tells us that in the person who is really involved in the world, the impure psychical states occur because of this involvement. From the impure psychical states the Karma (impuie material particles) as such comes into being and from the Karma, his transmigration in the four grades of existence takes place From the Jiva who has transmigrated to a grade of existence, the body arises and from the body senses come into being. By means of the scrises, there is the seizing of the sense-objects By reason of that attachment and aversion occur (52 to 54)
uring the transmigration of Jiva, there arise in him psychical states of attachment and aversion, which are beginningless and endless or they are beginningless but having an end, because of his developing spiritual awakening, value- knowledge and ethico-spiritual conduct (4) SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, VALUE-KNOWLEDGE AND
Spiritual awakening is the beginning of spiritual pilgrimage, and it is the foundation of magnificent edifice of liberation (219) Spiritual perversion acts as barricade to soul's true life It is the root of all evils, the seed of the tree of Sarasāra (67) The person experiencing spiritual perversion becomes perverted in his attitude Again, he does not like the virtuous path,
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