To refrain from wanton activity ( Anarthadanda) is the third Gunavrata (vow of withdrawal). That (wanton activity) is of four kinds, namely, harboring ill-reflection, perpetrating random actions, delivering instruments of voilence to others and imparting evil instructions - (to refrain from these is the third Gunavrata ( vow of withdrawal). Because of the presence of) (good) objective ( in performing an action), the person does not bind ( inauspicious Karmas), (since) in the presence of) (good) objective time, situation etc., are the controllers of mind. And because of the absence of (good) objective, the person binds (inauspicious karmas) due to mental depravity which may be either less or more, (since) in the absence of (good) objective time, situation, etc. are not the controllers of mind and ( there remains unbridledness of mind). In the avoidance of wanton activity, the person avoids lustful emotion, amorous behaviour, prattling, insruments associated with voilence, and things of use obtained in excess of need. Keeping limited things of use, pursuing self-mediation, observing fast in a specific way and offering food etc. io a nonhouseholder guest who observes self-restraint and propagates ethico-spiritual values- all these four have been proclaimed to be Sikṣāvratas ( vows of pursuance) From the perspective of things of use what has been said is this that the avoidance of vegetables having infinite lives along with the five udambara fruits, should be effected Besides, other things of use should be limited. And from the perspective of business transactions it has been said that the avoidance of such work as is causing injury to many lives, should also be cffected. In order to refrain from unethical actions Sāmāyıka ( selfmeditation) alone is paramount. In this way having recog. nised Sāmāyika ( self-meditation) as supreme among all the ethical activities of the householder, the wise person should remain occupied with his own ethico-spiritual unfoldment for realising the highest ( state of life).
Samaņasuttam-Vol. I
Jain Education International
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