considered as subhāṣıta-s suitable to be included in any secular non-Jinistic subhāșita-samgraha'. C. Suktamuktāvali of Somaprabha 15. Somaprabha, but probably another one than the author of Sråg.2, was the author of a didactic poem the Sūkta muktā vali or Sin dūra pra ka ra.3 This work was well known among the Jainas and its stray verses were and still are repeated by heart by many men and women of the Jaina community. In this work Somaprabha proclaimed in 99 verses written in different metres the Jaina teachings in a form of stray verses, of which many can be considered as subhāṣita-ss. These subhāṣita-s, unlike the subhāsıta-s of SRS. and Sråg., do not deal with women at all; they are couched in polished, cultivated language and some are appropriate to be included in non-Jinistic subhāşta-samgraha-s.
Other Jaina Didactic Poems 16. Among other Jaina didactic poems the following must be mentioned in the first place6 :
However none of such subhāşıta-s were quoted in any of the known subhasıta-sangraha-s. who lived around A.D. 1270. Edited in KM, VII, pp. 35-51; also published in Bangalore in 1892; translated into Italian by E.-P. PAVOLINI with an introduction by F. L. Pulée in Studi Italian di Filologia Indo-Iranica 2; pp. 33-72 (Gl scrittori di Somaprabhācārya) Cf A WEBER. HSs. Verzerchniss 2.3; 1132 sqq.; R. G. BHANDARKAR Report 1882-83; pp. 42 and 225 sqq.; M. A. GUERINOT in JA. s. 10; t. 14, No. 932 and Indian Antiquary 11; p. 254. Munirà ja jinavijaya, Kumārapāla-Pratıbodha ed.; Introduction; pp. vii sqq. Mostly between verses 26 and 92. They are not treated here in detail. Cf. p. 59 fn. 1.
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