ON SOME NONCANONICAL SUBHAȘITAand the second 50 Bhartrhari's epigrams. The third anthology is a fragment (3 folia only) of a south-Indian subhāṣitatype collection of ethical verses kept in the India Office Library (A. B. Keith No. 8167); the MS. is from the eighteenth century; it is written in Malayalam characters. Some of the verses included in this work, of which only two chapters are preserved (the vidvat-and daiva-pramāna), contains well known subhāsıta-s; 9.9. The Sūk tā valī is an anonymous anthology of 150 stray didactic verses, kept in the Bibliotheca Nazionale di Firenze (MS. G. 135) described by P.-E. Pavoliniz; it is also non-Jinistic in character; eight of its verses occur also in Somaprabha's Sūktimuktāvalid and in the Subhāṣitāvalī4 and other non-Jinistic subhāṣita-saņgraha-s (e.g. in 0. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche); some 80 out of 150 verses could have been traced in some known nonJinistic subhāṣita-samgraha-s. Several other anonymous Suktāv ali-s are also mentioned in the Jinaratnakośa, mentioned below:
AS.II=Anonymous subhāşıta-samgraha (MS. BORI No. 1396). AS.II Bhś AS.II Bhś AS.II Bhś. AS II Bhś AS.II Bhś.
905 291 907 190 908 607 909 239 910 243 911 213 912185 913 165 1083 186 1095 283 1127 683
1129 242 1155 51 1175 423 1203 314 1218 400 1303 527 1312 313 1335 586 1350 324 1353 41 1376 25
1380 112 1381 296 1384 95 1385 117 1388 77 1390 103 1391 79 1392 336 1397 94 1398 368 1408 722
1433 109 1436 110 1440 158 1444 157 1445 160 1446 253 1462 222 1463 224 1465 582 1468 632 1484 153
1553 60 1566 255 1572 34 1574 433 1663 35 1676 74
Una Sūktāvali granica anonima in Miscellanea linguistica in onore di G. Ascoli, Torino 1901; pp. 315 sqq. Cf para 13. Cf Vallabhadeva in Bombay Sanskrit Series, No. 31.
3. 4
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