The usual nine planet motif and the two donors appear on the lower platform. Recourse has been taken to applique silver ornamentation in shape of dots to mark the eyes, Srivatsa on chest and cushion decorations.
The inscription on the back runs as follows:
सं. १५२२ वर्षे माघ वदि १ गुरी। प्रा. ज्ञा. मं. जेसा भा० गुरापुत्रसवर्णन भा० रूपार्ह मातृपितृश्रेयसे श्री कुंथनाबिंब का० प्र० श्री साधुपूर्णिमापक्षे श्री पुण्यचन्द्रसूरिणामुपदेशेन विधिना श्रीजयचन्द्रसुरिभिः ।।
श्रीरस्तु॥ 5. Candraprabha---
(Acc. No. 59.116, Size 16 x 10.5 cm., Sam. 1567 == 1519 A.D.)
Figure of Candraprabha seated on double arched cushioned lion-throne as above, but in this case the 'cauri' bearers appear instead of the Jinas. The sāšanadevatās also occupy their usual places.
Applique silver ornamentation marks the Kalasa, sacred wheel, cushion decorations, breasts of all human figures and the eyes of the Tírthankara himself.
The Devanāgari inscription at the back can be made out as follows:
॥संवत् १५६७ वर्षे ॥ जेष्टशुदि १३ सोमे। राजाधिराजश्रीमहसेन । माता श्री लक्षणा तत्पुत्रः श्रीः श्रीः श्रीः श्रीः ॥ श्रीः॥ चन्द्रप्रभस्य बिबं कारितं ॥ मल्हाईभिघा॥ नेन कर्मक्षया ॥थं । श्रेयसेस्तु॥
6. Adinatha
(Acc.No. 59.117, Size 14.2 x 10.1 cm., Sam. 1570 == 1513 A.D.)
Figure of Adinātha seated in dhyānamudrā as No. 4 above (Acc. No. 59.86). The inscription on the back runs as follows:
। संवत् १५७० वर्षे मा (?)ध वदि ९ श्रीमालता (ज्ञा)तीय मं. सहद भा० सहजनदे पुत्र मं. त्रिवरहा श्रीवरहा श्री सुश्रावकेण भा. . . . नाथी भा. हासा काका
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