śrí Harşa', and Bhartshari, when they tried to present as objectively as they could the niyativāda of Gośāla for purposes of refutation.3
1. द्वीपादन्यस्मादपि मध्यादपि जलनिधेर्दिशोऽप्यन्तात् । आनीय झटिति घटयति विधिरभिमतमभिमुखीभूतम् ।।
--ज्ञानविमल on प्रश्नव्याकरणसूत्र (सूत्र ७) This verse belongs to Ratnavali (Act. I.6) 2. न हि भवति यन्न भाव्यं भवति च भाव्यं विनापि यत्नेन । करतलगतमपि नश्यति यस्य तु भवितव्यता नास्ति ।।
-- अभयदेव on उवासगदसाओ This verse is found in the edition of Bhartrhari (v. 569) published in
Singhi Jaina Series as No. 23 (in 1948). 3. I gratefully tender my sincere thanks to Dr. A. L. Basham, whose splen
did work on The AjIvikas has been very useful to me in the preparation of this paper.
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