material substances or material objects, there are found space, time, medium of motion and medium of rest also, which may be discussed in the following way.
Matter (Pudgala)
‘Pudgala', in Jaina philosophy, is the technical term used for matter. Etymologically it means that which is capable to integrate and disintegrate itself. It is also named as “Rūpi', because it is touched, tasted, smelt and seen. It is the combination of innumerable parts. The smallest part of a 'Pudgala' which further cannot be divided, is called as 'anu' or atom. An atom occupies simply one 'Pradeśa', but not vice-versa. A ‘Pradeśa may have one atom or more than one. The combination (sṁghāta) of atoms is known as “Skandha' or molecule. There are three methods of formation of 'Skandha.'-(1) 'Bheda' (division), (2) 'Sanghāta' (union) and (3) 'Bheda' and 'Sanghāta' (both division and union) happening at the same time.
Medium of Motion (Dharma)
Ordinarily the word 'Dharma' is used for 'duty' or 'morality' but here it has been used in some technical sense. According to Jainism, 'Dharma' is the 'medium of motion'. Umāsvāti defines it as a permanent, eternal and fixed substance. 'Dharma' consists of numberless (asankhya) 'Pradeśas' and is without consciousness. It is immaterial. Though it helps other objects to move, it is itself helpless to move. It cannot move from one place to another. It pervades the whole universe, because where there is movement there is 'Dharma'. It supports souls and the matter while they make any movement from one place to another. Though it helps all souls and matter to move, it cannot make them move. It is only the helper of Jivas, as water is the helper of fish.
1. “Pūrayanti galanti ca', Sarvadarśana III M.M.-32
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