his doctrines with multiple view-points. All of them got convinced and became the first disciples of Mahāvīra; later many others became his disciples and lay-votaries. Thus he established his fourfold congregation (caturvidha sangha).
He travelled from place to place with his large following for preaching his doctrines through the popular language of the masses called Ardhamāgadhi (Prakrit). In popularising his religion he obtained great support from the then ruling families of Rājagrha, Campā, Kaušāmbī, Avanti etc., who were related to him from his mother's side. Besides, his great compassion, austerities and self-discipline created great impression among the people of all classes and creeds.
His followers belonged to different grades of the society. His disciples were kings like Śivā of Hastināpur (formerly a mendicant) and Anārya Kirātarāja of Koțivarşa; queens like Sivā of Ujjaini and, Mrgāvatī of Kausāmbí; princesses like Jayants of Kausāmbi, and Candanā of Campā, as well as Seth Sudarśana of Vāņijyagrāma, Poggala, a merchant of Alabhiyā; Gangeya, a monk of the tradition of Pārsva; Skandaka, a Brahmin mendicant of Rājagrha and Metārya, an untouchable, Ānanda, an agriculturist and multimillionaire of Vāņijyagrāma; Varuņa, a warrior of Vaiśāli; another Seth Sudarśana of Rājagrha and Saddālaputra, a rich potter of Polāsapura, formerly a follower of the Ajīvika sect were his lay-votaries. King Sreņika Bimbisāra of Rājagrha, Kālodāyī, a heretical householder and Ambada, a Brahmin mendicant belonged to the class of believers of the faith of Mahāvīra. Besides them, the Licchavís and the Mallakis were the popular followers of Mahāvīra.
For thirty years Mahāvīra wandered as a travelling teacher spreading the gospel of Ahimsā (non-violence) throughout the plains of north India. At the age of 72 he attained Nirvana at Pavā. On that occasion all the kings of the Ganarājya of Vaiśālī showed their love and respect for the Master by instituting an illumination on the day of Dipāvalī. Since that day Dipāvalī is celebrated with illuminating lights in the memory of that great soul.
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