Physicists present controversy over the first four entities need not bother us, that as yet the use of these terms with their sense are quite indispensable for all the scientists. Only these six substances of the Jainas come within the purview of modern science and no more.
Souls help themselves and other souls. Matter serves souls only as body, nutrition and objects of comforts etc. Space gives accommodation to all the other substances. Real time particles stand for modification and continuity of all the other substances. Medium of motion helps souls and matter in their motion. Medium of rest helps souls and matter in their rest.
To remain useful the substance has to do some work or the other ceaselessly, every moment. To do some work the substance necessarily has to undergo some modification every moment. Modification of the substance implies the triple unity2 i.e. the appearance of a new mode, the simultaneous disappearance of the old mode and the continuance or permanence of the substanc
Jainism states that this triple unity is accomplished in every substance every moment by the inherent, momentary, imperceptible and ceaseless stationary3 wave motion happening in the parts of the substance itself, similar to the waves of the ocean. There are two kinds of stationary wave motions. One exists in all the six substances and the other is restricted to souls and matter. Hence one is a common stationary4 wave motion and the second is a specials stationary wave motion.
2. Common Stationary Wave Motion
Substance is the sum total of all its attributes and modifications. There are six common attributes in all the six substances.
1. 2.
Paryā ya Utpâda, Vyaya and Dhrauvya Vide Prof. G. R. Jain's 'Cosmology Old Aguru laghu Sad gunahānivsddhiparyāya Vyañjana Parya ya
New' p. 102 & 233
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