Additional information regarding Vijaya Sinha Sūri is not available.
43 Śree Somaprabha Suri and Maniratna Sari
Śree Vijaya Sinha Sūri had appointed the two spiritual brothers to his seat. Śree Soma prabha Sūri Prägvāt ( Poravād) belonged to the Vaishya family. His father's name was Sarvadeva and grand-father's name was Jinadeva. Jinadeva had acted as the minister of a King and had obtained good reputationComing in contact with Śree Vijaya Sinha Siri, Somaprabha acc epted 'C'āritra' ( which literally means ascetic life ) His intelligence was very sharp and hence studying the whole science deeply he secured for himself the title of Ācārya' The cleverness required in Logic, the shrewdness required in Poetry and the wonderful power required in oratory were found in him.
He has written the following four works:--(1) Sûmati-C'arira; (2) Sūktimuktāvali-Sindūra prakara-(called Soma-Sataka also). (3) Satërthi and (4) Kimárpāla-prati-bodha. The poem • Satărthi' is in "Vasanta -Tilakā' metre. Each verse has been interpre ted in hundred ways and he himself has written commentary on it. The work-Kumârpăla-pratibodha has been completed in. V. S. 1241 while residing at the 'Vasati' (an abode) of Siddhapāja the son of the poet called Śreepala. He left this world in the city of Śreemala.
Mani-ratnaSuri is called Muni-ratnasuri by some. It is not probable that he has written any book, but he has got the honour of being the author of the chapter of Navatattva He went to heaven in the city of Thirăpadra.
44. Sree Jagac'c'andra Sūri. Śree Jagac'c'andra Sūri succeeded to the seat of Śree Somaprabha Sîri and Sree Muni-ratna Sūri. Seeing the indolence of his own 'Gac'cha' in performing their religious rites, Śree Ja
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