accurate description of these subjects is given in Trişasthi Salaki Puruşa Caritra of Ācārya Mahărāja Srimân Hémacandrăcărya Sari to which the reader is requested to refer.
Šramana Bhagavāna Mahāvira had observed a Chattha tapa (a two-days fasting) It was Amavasyā day of Kārtika, according to Gujerali calculation it was Āmâvâsyê day of the month of Āso ( āsvin ) i e. the fifteenth day of the dark-half of Aso-popularly known as Divâli Day) and the planets were in conjunction with constellation named Svâti. Just before the time of His Nirvana Sramaņa Bhagavāna Mahāvīra preached continuously for sixteen praharas hours; fifty-five (55) Adhyayanas (chapters) on Fruition of Pumya karmans (Meritorious Deeds) and fifty-five (55) Adhyayanas on Fruition of Papa Karmans (Evil actions) ; and at the same time, the Venerable Lord preached thirty six (36) Adhyayanas (chaptes) known as Apristha Vyā-karana (subjects not requested by any questions) and incorporated as Uttarādhyayana Sutras. The thirty-seventh Adhyanyana named Pradhāna Adhyayana remained incomplete.
Knowing that His Nirvana kala was quite near, Sramana Bhagavāna Mahāvira left the Saravasaraņa and went to the Rajjuga Sabhi of King Hustipāla. Sitting on a Dévacchandaka ( a platform two or three ands above the ground) in a Paryankāsana (squatting posture) Śramaņi Bhagavāna Mahāvîra remained ir *Sukla Dhvāna (a meditation in which the Soul becomes perfectly pure by becoming free from all varieties of Karmas ).
*In Sukia Dhyåra, the aspirant first learns to steady his thoughts on his own spirit (Soul; Ātma ) though he is yet unable to stop the changing of the yogas ( activities of mind, speech, and body ) or the shifting of the contemplative impulse between the object of thought and its verbal sign or mark.
Sukla Dhyāna is of four kirids viz-1 Prithakatva vitarka savicāra 2 Ekatva vitarka ni-r-vicara 3. Śuksma kriya a-pratipati
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