677 Sindhu rivers and they will maintain themselves on crabs existing in waters of the two rivers.
Utsarpini Kala.
After the lapse of the Duhsama-duhsama (sixth) ara of the Avasarpiņi Kala, the first āra of the Utsarpîņi Kāla, (named Duhsama-duhsama), of twenty-one thousand year's duration, will begin. People of Bhārata-varsa will have the same miserable modi of living
After the lapse of the first ära of the Utsarpiņi Kāla, the second ära named Duşama-suşamã will commence At that time, conditions will begin to improve. There will be five kinds of rains each kind existing continuously for seven days The first kind of rain called Puşkara-samvartaka (rain of final destruction of all objects) will cool down the heated ground. The second kind of rain named Kşira-mégha will produce varieties of corn. The third kind named Ghrita-mégha will produce greasiness in various objects. The fourth kind named Amrita-mégha will pro
पायालीससहस्सा वासाण नरा उ होन्ति बिलवासी। उस्सप्पिणीए एगन्तदुसमा चरिमकालम्मि ॥ ६४ ॥ होरिन्त पधमेहा पुक्खलसंवह खीरमेहो वि । पयमेहसमयमेहो रसमेहो पञ्चमो होइ ॥ ६५ ॥ एकको मणुपदं वासीही सत्त सत्त दिवसाई। पञ्चचीस दिवसे वहलिया होहिई सोमा ।। ६६ ॥ पढमा ७ विश्ववेही धन्न बीमो करिस्सए मेहो। तइमो नेहं अणयह तोसहिमाई चउत्यो उ ।। ६७ ॥ पत्रमओ पुण मेहो पुढवाईयाण रसकरो होही । तत्तो हरियदुमोसहिवेल्लियाई परोरिन्ति ॥ ६८ ॥
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