own relatives, disregardful towards acts of benevolence, and they will indulge in irrelevant talks. Mostly their sayings will be worthless. The thirst of people for wealth and property will not lessen in the least. They will be completely drowned in wordly pursuits; they will be destitute of polite manners, shame-less, and careless in listening to religious topics.
During the duhṣama kāla (fifth ara) the pupils will not pay respects to their Qurus (preceptors), and the preceptors will not give them religious learning. The system of Gurukula-vāsa (living in the house of the preceptor during the period of study), will cease. People will be indifferent to religious matters. The earth will be filled with small creatures and vermin. Celestial beings will not visit the human world. Sons will disobey their parents, and they will insult them with abusive language. Girls of noble families will surpass harlots by their amorous pranks, gestures, liscivious talks, side-glances, and indecent be
इङ्कालमुम्मुरसमा छारम्भूया भविस्सई धरणी । कावि धूलिहला घणचिकणकद्दमागम्मा ॥ ५१ ॥
मणुयो खरफरसतणू उब्भडघोडामुहा चिविडनासा | दुब्बभनिरगिरा बहुरोगा कोहणसहावा ॥ ५२ ॥ रयणीपमाणदेहा नरित्थिओ वीससोलसाऊ य । बहुपुतनत्तु यजुर्या निल्लज्जा विगयवसणा य ॥ ५३ ॥
छoafter गन्मधरा होही नारी य दुक्खपसवा य । सोलसवासा पुत्तनचुयए पेच्छिही मेरा ॥ ५४ ॥
होहिन्ति य बिलवासी बिछा उ बाबत्तरी य वेयढे । उभयतडेसु नई नव नव एकेंकए कुले ॥ ५५ ॥
सव्वे वि बीयमेत्ता तिरिया होहिन्ति तत्थ मणुयाई । कुणिमाद्दारा सब्वे निस्संसा निव्विवेगा य ।। ५६ ।।
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