Kālodāyi :- Bhagavan ! Does a living being perform_meriorious deeds bestowing him prosperous happiness in next life?
Bhagavāna.Yes, Kalodayin ! A liuing being performs meritorious deeds bestowing him prosperous happiness in next life.
Kalodāyi :- Bhagavan ! How does a living being, acquire Auspicious Karmans?
Bhagavāna: - Kalodayin ? Just as any one eats a meal mixed with some medicinal substances and he does not relish the meal at the time of taking the unpleasant drugs with his meal but, just as the meal increases strength and beauty in the long run In the same way, abstmence from killing of living beings, telling faise-hoods, theits etc, and avoidance of anger, pride etc. become very difficult at first, But the avoid - ance of sinful acts always leads to happness and prosperity. O Kalo-dayin | People, thus, like to do sinful acts result in which misery and meritorious deeds which lead to happiness.
Kalodāyî :- -Bhagavan ! There are two similar individuals.
*दो भंते ! पुरिसा सरसिया जाव सरिसभंडमत्तोवगरणा अन्नमन्नेणं सद्धिं अगणिकायं समारभंति तत्थ णं एगे पुरिसे अगणिकार्य उज्जालेति एगे पुरिसे अगणि निव्वावेति, एएसि णं भंते ! दोन्दं पुरिसाणं कयरे २ पुरिसे महाकम्मतराए चैव महाकिरियतराए चेत्र महासवतराए चैव महावेयणतराए चैव कयरे वा पुरिसे अप्पकम्मतराए चेव जाव अप्पत्रे यणतरांए चेव ? जे से पुरिसे अगणिकार्य उज्जालेइ जे वा से सुरिसे अगणिकार्य निव्वावेति ? कालोदाई ! तत्थ णं जे से पुरिसे अगणिकार्य उज्जाले से णं पुरिसे महाकम्मतराए चेत्र जाव महावेयणतराए चैव तत्थ गं जे से पुरिसे अगणिकायं fraids से णं पुरिसे अप्पकम्मतराए चैव जाव अत्पवंगणतराए चेव । से
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