have very little ability, and wlio make an external manifestation of their religious knowledge and good moral character with the object of creating a high opinion about themselves in the minds of devout individuals simply by their gerrulous talks, is not Parmarthika Vairāgya (a disgust towards worldly enjoyments leading to the accomplishment of the Eternal Happiness of Moksa [Final Emancipation). The Vairagya of such persons, only nourishes a number of their blameworthy evil faults like chronic fever invading a healthy body. Some persons are very often led to an obstinate belief of a particular theory by their being drawn by any one-sided Doctrine. Those, whose minds have been disturbed by discussions about General Rule and Exception, by Common Usage and Actual Condition, and by Right Knowledge and Right Conduct, who do not understand the actual state of these objects and those who have no hearty conviction about them, can be placed under the category of this variety of Vairāgya. They cannot be included in Paramārthic Vairāgya.
3. Jnāna-garbhita Vairāgya-This variety of Vairāgya is attained by those intelligent persons who have acquired a deep knowledge of their religion and of other religious systems with the aid of the Syādvāda-Logical Method of Reasoning of the Jainas, "Wise persons imbibed with this variety of Vairāgya never make unjust imputations on others. They do not listen to such imputations and they do not have such a desire at heart. Being always impartial, they are invariably desiring the good of others. They look to the inner nature of objects and to the varieties of Karmas influencing living beings. They care very little for the acts of living beings. They are obedient. They have staunch faith in Teachings of the Jinégvaras. They do not swerve from the natural quality of Infinite Knowledge and Infinite Bliss of the Soul. They always endeavour for the welfare of their Soul. They do not meddle into the affairs of others, and they never desire to
do it.”
On hearing the above described explanation
of Vairāgya,
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