in future is all Ātrā. In these Vedic words, Ātmă has been praised But on account of the praises of Atmā, it should not be understood that there is no Karma'.
The Vedic hymns are of three types viz (1) Some of them show 'Vidhi' or the method of action. (2) Some of them show 'Anuvād'a or translation and (3) Some are meant for 'stutior praise. As for instance, rasisfaktor Svarga-kāmo agnihotram juhuyat i-e a person having the desire of attaining 'svarga' heaven), should perform 'agni-hotra' (the sacred fire). This and such other center.ces show the 'vidhi' or the method of action (2: EIET AIRI: TET: Dvādaśa-măsăh samvatsarah-i-e a year consists of twelve months; or fiat:tot: agni-ruşmah i-e fire is hot. This and sucht other senterces translate the maxims or the statements which are well-known and popular. (3 Some Vedic hymns are full of praises such as :--
जले विष्णुः स्थले विष्णुः विष्णुः पर्वतमस्तके ।
सर्वभूतमयो विष्णुस्तस्माद् विष्णुमयं जगत् ॥ १ ॥ Jalé Visguh sthalė Visņu-r-Visņuh paravata-mastaké, Sarva bhutamayo Višņūstasmad Visņumayam jagat.
I. God Vişçu resides in water; Visņu is at every spot; Vişçu is on the peack of a mountain; Vişnu pervades all objects Therefore, whole Universe is full of Vişņu.
This sentence is used to show the greatness of Vişnu, but it does not mean that there is nothing except Vişņu. Just as inspite of saying by means of this sentence that the whole universe is pervaded by Vişņu, it is not to be taken that all other objects except Visņu are non-existent; because the sentence is meant to praise; in the same way, by means of the Vedic state. ment" Whatever was, and whatever will be, is nothing but Atma" the greatness of 'Ātma' is expressed but it does not mean that Karma' does not exist.
Moreover, your belief that the abstract Soul can have no Jain Educalhelp or harm from the Karma' which is concrete, is also impro library.org