After the rainy season, Śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahāvîra journ eyed in the direction of Magadha-déşa and reached Rajagriha Nagara. On hearing the preaching of Śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahavira in the Samavasaraņa there a wealthy merchant named Mahāsatakaji of Răjagriha Nagara took the Twelve Vows of a Householder at the pious hands of Sramana Bhagavāria Mahāvira.
Vrata-grahana of Mahā-satakaji
At Rājagriha Nagara, there lived a wealthy merchant named Mahāśatakaji. He had thirteen wives including Revati. He possessed wealth amounting to twenty-four crore gold-mohars. Out of these, eight crores were in his treasure; eight crores were invested in transactions bearing interest and eight-crores were engaged in merchandise. In addition to this, he possessed eight Gokulas (cow-pens ) each cowpen containing ten thousand cows. From his thirteen wives, he had received eight crore gold mohars and eight cowpens from Révati and one crore gold mohars and one cowpen from each of her twelve co-wiyes at the time of his marriage with them.
Mahāšatakaji on hearing the preaching of śramaņa Bhagavâna Mahāvira in the Samavasaraga at Rājagrina Nağara, took the Twelve Vows of a House-holder at the pious hands of the Worshipful Lord. At that time, he renounced all the wealth that he had received from his wives' parents, but he limited his belongings to his own wealth amounting to twenty-four crore gold. mohars and eight Gokulas (cow-pens ).
Révati was very envious with her co-wives. After the taking of the vows by Mahāśatakaji, the following idea occured once in the mind of Révati --"Since my twelve co-wives are besides myself, I am not able to enjoy sensual pleasures with him to my entire satisfaction, let me, therefore, kill all of them either by dire weapon or by poison so that I may get one crore gold mohars and one cow-pen from each of them and I may alone enjoy happiness with my husband.” With this cruel idea in her
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