not give any particulars about himself or his family either to Bha. dra Śétha or to Nandā who was pregnant, but he himself not being confident of future events at Rājagriha he did not make any definite suggestion. He only gave to Nandā, a small piece of paper on which he had written that he was a *Go-pala of Rājagriha with white coloured lofty walls.' A few days after his arrival at Rājagriha, Śréņika Kumāra was installed on his father's throne, and made the King of Magadha-déśa by king Präsenajit who was on his death-bed. King Prasenajit died a few day later.
King Śrèņika, being very busy with State Affairs, could not give any attention either to his wife Nandâ or to his son Abhaya Kumára for a number of years. Abhaya Kumâra had now, attained youth. One day being taunted by his fellow-companions about the existence of his father Abhaya Kumāra asked some particulars, to his mother Nandā, about his father But she, being ignorant could not say out anything but handed him over the piece of paper written by Śrénika Kumära On reading the note, Abhaya Kumāra readily knew that, his father was the King of Magadha-déśa. Prom, previous section of this chapter, we know how Abhaya Kumāra took his mother to Rājagriha, how he was made President of the King's Council of 500 Ministers and how his mother Nandā was admitted into the king's harem with all the pomp deserving a queen of a great empire. Abhaya Kumāra, now, being appointed Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Magadha was very often consulted by king Śrènika and other kings on various subjects.
Some Stories about Abhaya Kumāra
On Vaibhāra-giri near Rājagriha, there lived a great robber named Lohakhura. On getting a suitable opportunity, he used
*Gopāla means either a cowherd or a protector of the earth i-e a king.
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